Cassandra Phillips: Scenic Artist

Sunday was going to be Jim's birthday, and since we had to  work on Saturday, I thought it would be nice to bake a little something.  Jim LOVES cheeseburgers, and everybody loves cupcakes.  So, inspired by the book "Hello Cupcake," I decided to make a cheeseburger cupcake.


The cupcake itself was the bun, iced and sprinkled.  I dyed coconut shavings for the lettuce, cut up banana Laffy Taffy for the cheese, and the patties were Thin Mints!


I was a little worried about the combination of flavors, but I think he liked them!

If I were to make them again, I would try to find flavors that worked better together.  Although finding candy that looks like cheese is extremely difficult.  Maybe I would work with it, make the patty a plain chocolate  cookie so the whole thing would have a "chocolate-covered banana" feel.  
I would also use a garnished toothpick to hold the whole thing together.


Cupcakes have become insanely popular in the last few years, and I, for one, am glad of it!  

It's crazy what people have come up with!

I ended up finding several other recipes for hamburger cupcakes once I started doing some research.  But, all in all, mine didn't turn out that bad.  You live, you learn and then you use the internet.  

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Cassandra Phillips: Scenic Artist