Cassandra Phillips: Scenic Artist
We have just finished "Troilus and Cressida" for the New Theater.  This show called for so many interesting finishes!  
What an exciting project!  First, there's the tiled marble floor that has had sand blown over it (or perhaps off of it)  there's the rubble-topped walls upstage, there's carved sphinx,  a drop, a truss, a working fountain, flowers from the ceiling-! Plus the costumes!  DJ's and gold bikinis and army fatigues-  I can't say enough how excited I am about this show.  

 Let's start with the floor.  Here Geno Franco (above) and  Thayne Abraham (righ) are  working on the sand.  We used HVLP's and some torn styrofoam as one of the techniques to make peaks in the dunes.  

We also used many layers of other sprays, rag rolls and spattered our little hearts out.  


Next, we had to put green marble in the center of this desert.  We decided to make a basic marble over the main part of the floor, and then we would tile it out and marble each tile individually to differentiate them from each other.  


While we were marbling, we had to keep in mind that the sand had to look like it had blown on top of the marble. So, we used a combination of liquid frisket and painting techniques around the edges so that when we were done, we could lift the frisket and have a nice chunky edge.  

Next, it was time to tile the floor.  Below is a slideshow of us marbleing each tile.  
There was also a highlander-style battle to the death.  
Behold! Below! The finished product! 
10/25/2013 02:29:02 pm

Good read

6/11/2015 10:04:19 am

Hi, I have no idea if you even still look at this web page, but I would be ever so grateful for a few more details on this process! I'm a grad student in New York and need a nearly identical flooring effect. Granted, it's on a muuuuuch smaller scale, but I only have so much time to fabricate. Oh gods, if you got this message that would be unbelievable!


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Cassandra Phillips: Scenic Artist